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Neil, my husband, and I moved here to Malanda on the Atherton Tablelands,

in Far North Queensland, in 1998.


We moved from Darwin where we both worked at the Museum and Art Gallery

of the Northern Territory. Neil worked in Graphics and Display and I was the

Collections manager for Natural Sciences and had worked there for 10 years.


In Darwin we begun our life as wildlife carers in 1990. So when we moved here

we were keen to continue as carers and met a wildlife carer called Margit Cianelli

who introduced us to Lumholtz's tree-kangaroos. Thanks Margit!


Of course we were shocked to find out that there was still very little known about

these amazing creatures. So with the encouragement of a few others, I embarked on my journey of a PhD with Lumholtz tree kangaroos through James Cook University in Cairns in 2000. It took me 5 years (instead of 3). At the same time we started to look after any that came into care, with Margits support and knowledge.


There it all began, our life with tree kangaroos. We have looked after many in the past 20 years, but our favourites must be those that we have hand raised.


Firstly William (Willy), who lived in the wild and came home very day passed at the age of  12 years old, Issy who was killed by dogs at the age of 5 1/2 yrs, fortunatley Issy had a joey called Phoebe who was not with her when she was killed and Phoebe also had her own joey and came home until he was big enough to emerge from the pouch. We have raised many other joeys since then : Joshie, Benny, Mackenzie, a female called Zoe, 3 at once with Ella Misty and Bear, then Bonnie, Jilly and Max.

We have of course rescued far more adults, from dogs attacks to car hits and now a new problem, neurological blindness, or Central blindness.


With the number of rescues increasing every year, we decided we had to set up a non-profit organisation to help us look after them more effectively and efficiently.

The funds raised from donations will be used to pay for ongoing costs such as vet bills and food - they costs us a fortune in sweet potato, chick peas, bananas, corn and costs of building more facilities.

We have built new facilities, our rescue centre with larger enclosures and a treatment area and isolation rooms, since beocming a non profit thanks to Dreamworld Wildlife Foundation, a Gambling grant and some very special donors and volunteers.


This website will enable us to bring you all up to date with what is happening here, how many are in care, their stories and how donated money is being spent.Please let us know if there is anything you wish to see on the website and things you wish to know (if we can answer) about Lumholtz tree kangaroos.


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