Tree Roo Rescue and Conservation Centre Ltd.
Help us save our Australian Tree kangaroos.
Protect our forests.
For now, and for the generations after us and you will protect all of the special animals in them.

If you find an injured or dispaced
Tree Kangaroo
please ring us immediately
0427 790 694
get someone to stay and watch, as they disappear very quickly and then we won't be able to help
We are a non-profit organisation that rescues
and rehabilitates, orphaned, injured or displaced
tree kangaroos for release back into the wild, or
if not possible, for life in a specialised zoo facility
helping to raise awareness through education and conservation for their wild cousins.
We also wish to educate the public and increase awareness of Australian tree kangaroo conservation and the threats that bring them into care such as dogs and cars.
Our Vision is to assist in the prevention of the extinction of Tree kangaroos.
Donate now Via paypal or Direct Debit to help us
Rescue, Rehabilitate and Release Orphaned, Injured and displaced and blind Lumholtz Tree Kangaroos.
All Donations go directly to the Tree Roos In the way of food , equipment , medical supplies , veterinary Bills and more.
Please give generously to help us save these incredible animals.

Sorry but we are not open to the public

Each year we hold a special week called
Tree Roo Awareness Week
the 4th week in May
starting on the weekend of the Malanda Markets
we hope to hold a big event as well as having a market stall and other things happening
lots of social media
Watch this space for updates
International world tree kangaroo day
21st May

Get Involved
Wish to help?
you can by
Fundraising on our behalf
Sponsoring a Tree Roo
Following us on FB and
spreading the word!
To apply to volunteer, please fill out this form and email to us at info@treeroorescue.org.au

News 1

News 3
September through 'til at least March is Tree Roo season, when they tend to move more than other times of the year.
Please look out for them day and night and keep your dog fenced in or on a lead at ALL times!
Lumholtz tree Kangaroos are NOT nocturnal, they are cathemeral, active day and night
So please look out for them while driving at ALL times, especially near rainforest. To learn more, keep an eye out for our Education section (COMING SOON!).
News 2
We now have FREE accommodation on site - caravans so we can now take volunteers
and free WiFi
1 month min
3 months min you also get food allowance
Volunteer application forms are now available here.
Please complete and email back to us
“To entertain the idea that any kangaroo
known to us,
or approaching its formation,
could climb a tree,
would be ridiculous..”
Mr William Hann
12 October 1872
News 4
Please Keep you dogs fenced in at all times as they WILL chase tree kangaroos and may harm them
it doesn't matter how well trained they are
2024 Calendars on SALE
as well as a heap of other merch.
All profits go to the roos!
Keen? Check out our Shop
Atherton District Animal Welfare Society
Support us on a monthly basis with funds to pay for food and other items for the Tree Kangaroo care.
you can help by donating your old clothes or goods you are going to throw out to ADAWS Op shop,
all the money goes to animal charites on the Atherton Tablelands.